Thursday, December 10, 2009

Favorite albums of 2000s in Radio Petenyi - Part 0. (1999)

There are at least two albums that were recorded in 1999, but they played an important role in my life with the music in the year afterwards.

The main reason for that is the concert in May 2000, organized in Berlin by the label City Slang to celebrate their 10 years anniversary. The presence of two bands in this show influenced my music perception for quite a long time.

I remember that I was waiting for a follower of the album Hope and Adams from the band Wheat for many years in this decade, but they have not released the one of such a high quality yet.

See some pictures, sounds and animations of the band in Berlin here.

The second band remained my favorite one for the whole decade.

The Flaming Lips had a quite surrealistic concert early in the morning, see some pictures and sounds here. Their album The Soft Bulletin is a masterpiece.

The songs of these 2 albums were added to the playlist of Radio Petenyi.

Wheat - Body Talk, Part 2 - Hope and Adams

The Flaming Lips - Waitin' for a Superman (Mokran mix) - The Soft Bulletin

In the next post you will find my favorite album of 2000.

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heard in Radio Petenyi.



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